SMS Manager

Mengirim ribuan SMS semudah `klik`

SMS Gateway to Indonesia in Very Large Volume

Our service has been used by several world-class social media to send a verification number or code to the users mobile phone. This page is addressed to those who seek the services of a cheap bulk sms gateway to indonesia for sending in very large volume to Indonesia or other countries. We deliver directly to the telecom operators with Numeric Sender ID, so that our service can reach all operators in Indonesia.  We has experiences in providing bulk sms service since 2009. 


Generally, our service is used for : 

1. Sending verification code or authentication key for new applicants. 

2. Sending verification code for the registration of new cell phone number 

3. Sending or notifying a validation code for the password changes

4. OTP, One time password for application security

5. Notify users about billing information or due date


Here are some of the terms and conditions :




1.We provides a web page and HTTP API module, as a means that can be used by the Client to send SMS.

2.We provides a web page and HTTP API module, as a means for Clients to check the delivery status report.

3.We provides the technology to send Delivery Reports automatically to the Client server’s through the URL provided by the Client.

4.We provides bulk sms service for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.




1.Client using this service should be well-intentioned, to conduct a legitimate and legal business according to the norms and laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

2.Client forbidden to send sms for the purpose of crime, fraud, forgery, defamation, pornography, racial intolerance and terrorism.

3.Client are prohibited from sending text messages that can harm and disrupt the recipient of the SMS or other parties, both individuals and legal entities or institutions.

4.Client take full responsibility for negative impacts as well as lawsuits from other parties because of the content and procedure for sending SMS.





1.Please Contact Us for the Best Price.

2.Type of payment is prepaid, and can be paid through Paypal, Western Union or Bank Transfer.


Please contact us :



Email : support [at]

Yahoo Messangger : c_care01


Customer Support

Email : support [at] 

WA: 0812.691.5620 Click Here To Send WA

Skype : sms_manager_id

TELP : (061) 8369141, TELKOMSEL : 0812.691.5620, XL :  0877.6611.9003

Konfirmasi Pembayaran  ke :
SMS Ke : 08126531971. Isi SMS: TopUP SMS : UserID, Bank, Nama Pemilik Rekening, JumlahRp

Customer Login

Login sms broadcast
Untuk trial, gunakan user : ujicoba dan password : sms

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CV. GRATIANET CYBERMEDIA (Sejak 31-Aug-2000) (Sejak 19-Sep-2009)

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